Eating habits

Healthy food and the culture of eating are introduced to children in an interesting, intriguing and pleasant manner

In accordance with the National nutritional policy programme and dietary guidelines, we organize healthy meals and devote our full attention to preparing fresh meals every day. For children of the first age group (from 1 to 3 years old), we prepare 4 meals a day and 3 meals for children of the second age group. The variety of fruits and healthy beverages are accessible throughout the whole day for all the children.

For the children with special dietary requirements we provide meals that meet their dietary needs.

Dietary restrictions

By setting an example, we encourage the children to continually improve their eating habits. Respecting family traditions, we create fitting and pleasant conditions to foster a culture of eating (such as setting nice table and encouraging polite manners etc.). We also allow children to choose what they eat and do not force them to eat. We invite the children to help create weekly menus and provide opportunities for them to serve themselves, if they wish. Through rituals, we foster socialisation processes linked to nutrition. We use puppet as part of our Project Work with a Puppet to motivate children and introduce food culture and healthy eating habits through interesting, pleasant and exploratory activities.

To improve nutrition in kindergarten and enhance the quality of our eating culture, we have established a project team. Their priority tasks evolve from year to year. Alongside our nutritionist, the team systematically monitors and analyses the eating habits of the children. We pay special attention to children who occasionally or regularly refuse certain foods. In such case, the team contact the parents to find a suitable solution. Through monitoring and evaluation, the team analyses eating habits in the kindergarten and sets criteria for improvement. 


Priority goals within the nutrition in our kindergarten:

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