Project Work with a Puppet

Project Work with a Puppet (PWP) is a spiral – procedural and gradually planned, practised and evaluated annual project of the entire kindergarten. Its key elements are the puppet and its literary-didactical story that unfolds through the whole year and motivates the children to participate in the educational activities creatively, playfully and meaningfully. The function of the puppet and its literary-didactical story is to create long-term motivation for a child to participate, do inquiry, discover and create. The Project Work with a Puppet represents the central thread of the annual educational project. Within every project, the educators use their fertile imagination to create a new literary-didactical story while respecting also the educational goals and selected subject(s) of research. The project involves all the children, educators and other employees as well as children’s parents.

For each project, we create a new puppet who is the main character of the plot. Each story concentrates on a particular material and is composed of tripartite didactical structure that thoughtfully and holistically incorporates basic human activities and curricular areas.

PWP Projects

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