QUEST – project of partnership

This international exploration journey was brimming with various exciting events, puzzles, and challenges that we tackled both in our imagination and in reality. Our adventure began with lively music and the arrival of a slipper named Brosino who guided us through a series of diverse challenges on the path to discovering and creating Slippers’ place. The children eagerly followed his lead, engaging in activities that involved discovering colours, creating magical and imaginary vehicles and reflecting on the things that bring us happiness, pleasure and joy (learn more).

Realizing the importance of colours for all the Slippers in the land of Bonjadan, where all hues had vanished, we embarked on a series of engaging and varied activities. These activities were action-oriented and inquiry-based, ultimately leading us to discover a space – a haven where Slippers could play, find happiness, and enjoy themselves.

Our collaborative outputs, creations and findings are presented as videos of individual stages (pre-stage, first stage, second stage, and third stage) accompanied by an audio book about transportation.

However, our adventure did not end here. In the school year 2021/22, we were introduced to a new friend. Known as Frlinček in Sloven, Eftaxia in Greek and Flokinou in French, this colourful, mischievous, and fluffy character surprised us one autumn day. See how he arrived to our kindergarten, as well as kindergartens in Greece and in France.

We wondered what had brought mischievous Frlinček, and soon discovered that his friend in his rainbow Orderland had been troubeled by a troublesome dwarf. The dwarf covered the town clock with his magic dust, causing everything to turn upside down. Frlinček, being the only one to escape the curse, decided to find a solution and restore order, wholeheartedness and friendship in his homeland. Naturally, all the children from the three kindergartens helped him on his mission. New discoveries and inquiries let to new findings, exchanges and ideas. If you are curious to see what the children were doing and how they achieved it, you are invited to dive in and explore for yourself.

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