
We enable optimal conditions for a quality stay in the kindergarten.

We promote a healthy, safe and pleasant stay in the kindergarten by ventilating the facilities and by every-day outdoor physical activities. We take care of the hygiene of the children and facilities and take measures to reduce the risks of disease. Regular inspections of the facilities are also performed in cooperation with experts and other health organizations.

Practical tips on illnesses (SLO version)

The Institute of Health in accordance with the HACCP plan for maintaining hygiene and preventing infectious diseases, regularly conducts rodent control on the kindergarten’s outdoor areas as needed, and performs disinfection and pest control within the indoor areas.

During the children’s time at the kindergarten, we carefully monitor any potential injuries that occur either within the premises, on the playground, or during outside activities (walks, excursions, etc.). Injuries are appropriately treated and parents are informed about the incident.

Caring for a child’s health is our responsibility and that of the parents. All children entering the kindergarten must undergo a health check with their personal doctor before enrolment. Parents are obligated to bring only healthy children to the kindergarten. If a child falls ill at the kindergarten (elevated body temperature, diarrhoea, vomiting, rashes, etc.), we inform the parents to take the child home for care. In the event of widespread infectious diseases, we follow the instructions of the National Institute of Public Health Ljubljana and the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Medications are not administered in the kindergarten, except those vital for the child.

All employees undergo periodic medical examinations, and new employees have systematic check-ups before starting work. We also provide refresher programs on occupational safety for all employees.

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