Kindergarten Council and Council of Parents

The competence of the Kindergarten Council and Council of Parents for ensuring the wellbeing of children.

Kindergarten Council is composed of the representatives of the founder, employees and parents. The competence of the Council are established in the national Organization and Financing of Education Act. The competences of the Council of the public kindergarten are:

  • approving the development plan;
  • approving the annual work plan and the report concerning its realization;
  • addressing educational problems;
  • addressing parent complaints about educational work;
  • appointing and dismissing the headmaster.


Council of Parents gives suggestions and opinions to the institution’s bodies. Its function is essentially consultative. Council of Parents consents to the standard services and appoints its representatives to the Council. The council also suggests development programmes and the annual work plan, approves the headmaster’s proposals, provides opinions on development programme proposals and the annual work plan, discusses reports on educational problems and addresses parents’ concerns. 

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