Workshops for Parents

We organize workshops for empowering parents to understand and manage children’s behaviour.

Parenting is very hard and responsible task that demands our presence, awareness, responsibility and desire to help a child to become independent. Thus, we may feel insecure, powerless or uncertain many times.

Regardless of how many words we use, the children always respond to our emotions and reactions.

In collaboration with the City of Ljubljana and the Association of friends of youth Ljubljana, we organize three workshops for parents.

Appropriate setting of demands, giving praise, and criticism is of crucial importance in the development of a child into an independent individual. Through rules and demands, we limit the space for children and guide them towards set goals and our ideals. With demands, we present possible paths to the child, open horizons, and encourage development in directions we consider suitable. Praises reinforce patterns of behavior that are acceptable, while criticisms convey messages about undesirable behavior. We will focus on how children perceive our messages and explore possible consequences of deficiencies in messages from any of the mentioned areas.

Through a fairy tale and collective reflection, we will explore the concept of real and unreal messages and the consequences for one’s self-esteem that such messages bring. By using the concept of real and unreal messages, we will learn ways to express criticism in a constructive manner.

Rules and clear boundaries help children maintain a sense of security. They are essentially what we use to take care of ourselves in relationships with others and try to maintain some order and common sense in life. In our relationship with our children, do we know how to set boundaries without compromising the child’s or our own integrity, without hurting them, or being hurt ourselves? Why are boundaries necessary, and why is it crucial to say “YES” to ourselves? What parenting techniques for setting boundaries do we know, and which category do we belong to? What does a child gain, and what do we gain if we set boundaries in our relationship in a proper and dignified manner?

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